Trailblazer 2024:

Jeroen Kuyper


I am Jeroen Kuyper, 53 years old and I live in Purmerend. This is my 2nd year as Trailblazer for Tailwind. I am a passionate ultra runner and prefer to run every day. After struggling with stomach problems many races, thankfully these days they are much less since I use Tailwind on the road.

Last year, due to injuries, I wasn’t able to run as much as I wanted to. The 120 of Texel was the highlight. For this year, my goal is to become injury-free again. In May I want to run the King of Spain Ultimate of 80 km and in June the Longest Day Spa 100 km. Also during those races I will of course use Tailwind again.

As a professional running coach, I love to transfer my enthusiasm for running to the runners I coach with schedules and with running training. I enjoy helping others achieve ambitious running goals.

I am now taking a nutritionist course with sports nutrition specialization. With this I hope to help them even better with nutrition before and during competitions. Of course I will continue to use Tailwind, because what works well, you should keep it that way!