Trailblazer 2024:



Hi! I am Lionell Jansen, 47 years old, born in the Netherlands but living in Antwerp. Started running since mid 2017 where the goal of a half marathon soon gave way to running (ultra) trails due to the influence of a pleasantly disturbed colleague. I ran my first 50 km trail race during the summer of 2018 and it tasted like more.

Joined Tailwind Nutrition starting in 2019 and I never want anything else. Learned over the years what worked or didn’t work in certain circumstances. You learn through a lot of trial and error (read DNF) and you realize after a long time that besides your legs, your stomach is trainable too.

I prefer the trails to the city jungle and asphalt, so put me somewhere nice in nature in the Ardennes or preferably in the mountains around Chamonix!

My goals for 2023 are a self-organized 200km trail, the Legend Ardennes Trail 100km, the Marathon du Mont Blanc 90km in Chamonix and several more smaller races in the French Alps. You can find me on Instagram as @LionellRuns and I have been working behind the scenes of the Tailwind social media channels of the Netherlands and Germany since last year.