Trailblazer 2024:



Hai! I’m Karin and I live in a small village between Arnhem and Nijmegen, with the Posbank and the N70 around the corner. In daily life I work with the police and running (also together with my dog) is my greatest passion.

I run almost exclusively trails/unpaved and I have really come to love the long (ultra) distances, and the trails in the mountains.

For 2023 I have nice challenges lined up again, a.o. May Petranpad 112 km, June the HochkönigmanTrail 85 km in Austria, 2nd half of 2023 a.o. October the Grizzly 100 km. And the (spontaneous) challenges in between.

I enjoy the long distances, the experience along the way. I train the altimeters on the Posbank, the N70 but also in the Ardennes.

I have been using tailwind since March 2020 and this is my 3rd year as a Trailblazer. I was a bit suspicious at first, having tried so many things and having had so many gastrointestinal problems. But that is a thing of the past since Tailwind. Tailwind does what it says!

As with all Trailblazers, please contact me for more information on Tailwind. Any questions? Feel free to ask them!

I can also be found on social media; instagram under @trailrunner_ Karin and on facebook under my name Karin Arnts.